The Cinchy Glossary

From Data Collaboration to Schema Plasticity — build your knowledge of the Cinchy ecosystem with our handy glossary. 

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Data Collaboration is a revolutionary data mesh framework that allows for wildly efficient data management. This ecosystem is exciting and user-friendly, but also complex, so the Cinchy team has provided insight into some core concepts below. Of course, we are all about collaboration, so if there’s anything else that you’d like to know about, drop us a line and we’ll include it in our next update!

Access Not Copies

When data is copied, there's always a chance that it could fall into the wrong hands or be compromised in some way. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that proper protocols are in place for both accessing and copying sensitive information. Data access and data copying are two different concepts when it comes to handling sensitive information. Data access refers to the ability to view or use data without physically possessing it, while data copying involves creating a copy of the data that can be stored elsewhere. It's important to understand the distinction between these two because while accessing data is often necessary for work purposes, copying it can pose significant security risks.

Application/Data Enrichment

Application and data enrichment refer to the processes of improving and enhancing applications and data with additional information, insights, or functionality. Application enrichment can involve adding new features or capabilities to an existing application, while data enrichment involves augmenting raw data with additional context or metadata to improve its quality, usefulness, or relevance. These processes are often used in conjunction with other data management techniques such as data integration, cleansing, and transformation to provide more comprehensive and valuable insights for businesses and organizations.

Autonomous Data Network

An Autonomous Data Network is a network architecture that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to automate the management of data flows across an organization's network infrastructure. This approach allows for more efficient use of resources by dynamically allocating bandwidth based on demand. It also enables faster response times by automating the detection and mitigation of network issues.

Collaborative Intelligence

Collaborative intelligence, also known as collective intelligence, is the concept of a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. This includes sharing knowledge and expertise, communicating effectively, and utilizing each other's strengths to achieve intelligent outcomes.

Collaborative intelligence can be observed in business, education, and even nature where animals work together in groups to increase their chances of survival. In today's world, technology has made it easier than ever for people to collaborate remotely and share ideas instantaneously across vast distances. As a result, collaborative intelligence has become an increasingly important aspect of modern society.

Learn more about Collaborative Intelligence

Customer Advocate

A Cinchy customer advocate is someone who not only embraces the idea of making data integration a thing of the past, but actively participates in shaping its future. They are passionate about sharing their experiences and knowledge with others to help drive progress within the community. These advocates understand that collaboration is key to achieving true success and are dedicated to working together towards a common goal. They possess a deep understanding of how data can be used and managed within an enterprise, and are committed to promoting this approach throughout their organization. Above all, they are self-aware individuals who recognize the importance of continuous learning and evolution in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Data Autonomy

Data autonomy refers to the ability of individuals and organizations to have control over their own data. This includes the collection, storage, use, and sharing of personal or sensitive information. With data autonomy, individuals can choose who has access to their data and for what purpose it is used. Organizations can also ensure that they are in compliance with privacy regulations while still being able to utilize data for their operations. Data autonomy is becoming increasingly important as more personal information is collected and shared in our digital world.

Data Browser

A data browser is a tool that allows users to navigate through large datasets quickly and efficiently. It typically features a user-friendly interface with various search and filter options, enabling users to find specific data points or subsets of data with ease. Data browsers often provide visualizations such as graphs or charts to help users better understand the data they are exploring. They can be useful for a variety of purposes, from scientific research to business intelligence, and are an essential tool in the modern era of big data.

Data Collaboration

Data collaboration is a crucial element in data-driven decision making. It allows for the integration of various data sets within an organization, resulting in the creation of new insights that would not have been possible otherwise. By combining data from different domains and allowing experts to share their knowledge, organizations can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their operations and make more informed decisions.

The exchange of information between data owners also promotes transparency and accountability, as everyone involved has access to the same information. Ultimately, data collaboration leads to improved efficiency, better decision-making, and increased innovation within organizations.

Learn more about Data Collaboration

Data Collaboration Network

A Data Collaboration Network is a system that allows multiple users to securely access and share data with one another. It allows users to securely store and share sensitive data, while also allowing them to collaborate on projects in real-time. Data Collaboration Networks provide a secure platform for users to access and share data, while also ensuring that data is kept private and secure.

Data Collaboration Platform

A data collaboration platform is a comprehensive data architecture system that provides end-to-end solutions for managing and processing data. It includes various components such as data ingestion, storage, processing, analytics, and visualization.

The platform is designed to handle both structured and unstructured data from various sources in real-time or batch mode. It also supports different deployment models such as on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid. A good data architecture platform should be scalable, secure, reliable, and easy to use for both technical and non-technical users.

Learn about Cinchy's Data Collaboration Platform

Data Democratization

Data Democratization is the process of making data and data-driven insights accessible to all stakeholders, regardless of technical ability or organizational position. By democratizing data, organizations can ensure that decisions are based on the most up-to-date and accurate information, enabling them to make better, more informed decisions.

Data Fabric

A Data Fabric is an architecture that allows organizations to manage their data assets across multiple locations, including on-premises systems, public clouds, private clouds, and edge devices. The fabric provides a unified view of all data assets regardless of where they reside or how they are accessed. This approach enables organizations to more effectively manage their data resources while improving flexibility and agility in responding to changing business needs.

Learn more about Data Fabric

See Also: Operational Data Fabric

Data is the Application

Data is not just a collection of information, but it can be treated as an application that enables businesses to make informed decisions. It has the potential to transform the way organizations operate by providing insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. When data is treated as an application, it becomes a tool for driving innovation and growth. Decision-makers can use data to identify new opportunities, optimize processes, and improve business outcomes. With the right data strategy in place, companies can leverage their data assets to gain a competitive advantage in today's dynamic marketplace.

Data Liberation

Data liberation is the process of freeing data from proprietary systems or formats, making it more accessible and usable by others. It involves ensuring that data can be easily transferred between different systems, regardless of the underlying technology or vendor.

Data liberation is especially important for organizations that want to collaborate with external partners or leverage third-party tools and applications, as it allows them to share their data in a secure and standardized way. By enabling data liberation, organizations can derive more value from their data assets and foster innovation across their ecosystems.

Learn more about Data Liberation

Data Liberation Platform

A data liberation platform is a system that allows users to access and share data in a secure, open format. It enables users to access and share data without having to worry about the data being locked into proprietary formats or systems. It also provides a platform for users to collaborate and share insights with one another, allowing for more efficient and effective data analysis.

Data Network

A data network is a system that allows for the transfer of digital information between devices. It can be used to connect computers, servers, printers, and other devices together to share data and resources. Data networks can be wired or wireless and use various communication protocols such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks. The primary purpose of a data network is to provide reliable and efficient communication between devices over short or long distances. With the increasing demand for connectivity in today's world, data networks have become an essential component of modern-day life.

Data Productization

Data productization is the process of turning raw data into valuable, marketable products that can be sold to customers. It involves transforming data into a tangible asset that can be accessed, interacted with, and analyzed by users to derive insights and drive business value. This process typically involves cleaning, processing, analyzing, and packaging data in a way that makes it useful for specific use cases or industries.

The end result is a data product that can be monetized through subscriptions, licensing agreements, or other revenue models. Successful data productization requires a deep understanding of customer needs and market trends, as well as expertise in data science, engineering, and design.

Learn more about Data Productization


Data-centricity is a business philosophy that places data at the center of all decisions, processes, and operations. It recognizes the importance of data as a valuable asset that can be used to derive insights and drive business growth. In a data-centric organization, data is not just an afterthought or a byproduct of business activities but rather something that is proactively managed and leveraged to make better decisions. This approach requires a cultural shift towards valuing data as a strategic asset and investing in the necessary technology, skills, and governance structures to support it.


Dataware is a new form of data architecture that removes the need for data integration. The dataware framework separates data from code — a vast improvement from traditional software architecture. With this new approach, data is independent and can be accessed by multiple code-only applications.

Dataware provides the data, software provides the instructions, and hardware provides the circuitry to execute everything physically. By doing this, Dataware allows for seamless integration between multiple software pieces without creating complicated pipelines or data copies.

This new technology framework solves data-related problems across business use cases and involves the process of collecting and managing data from various sources to provide meaningful business insights. One of the most interesting facets of Dataware is Data Collaboration.

Learn more about Dataware

Decoupling Data from Apps

Decoupling data from applications allows for greater flexibility in terms of scaling individual components of an application stack independently, as well as enabling easier maintenance and upgrades of both the application layer and underlying data infrastructure.

To decouple data from applications, it is necessary to abstract the data layer and create a clear separation between the application and the database. This can be achieved through the use of APIs or microservices that encapsulate and expose data in a standardized format. By doing so, it becomes possible for multiple applications to access and manipulate the same data without being tightly coupled to one another.

Digital Twin

A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or system. It uses real-time data and simulations to mimic the behavior of its physical counterpart. The concept has been around for some time, but recent advancements in technology have made it more accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes.

Digital twins can help businesses in a variety of ways. For example, they can be used to improve product design and development by allowing engineers to test and refine prototypes virtually before moving on to physical testing. This can save time and money while also improving the quality of the final product.

In addition, digital twins can be used to monitor the performance of equipment and infrastructure in real-time. By collecting data from sensors and other sources, businesses can identify potential issues before they become major problems. This proactive approach can help prevent downtime and reduce maintenance costs.

Overall, digital twins are a powerful tool that can help businesses optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of this exciting concept.

Federated Data Management

Federated data management is a method of managing data that involves multiple autonomous databases, each with its own set of rules and schemas. The goal of federated data management is to provide users with a unified view of all the data in the system, regardless of where it resides. This approach allows organizations to combine data from disparate sources and make better-informed decisions based on a more complete picture of their operations. Federated data management can be challenging to implement, but it offers significant benefits for organizations that can overcome these challenges.

Federated Governance

Federated data governance is a decentralized approach to managing data across an organization. It involves the collaboration of multiple teams and stakeholders in the decision-making process, rather than relying on a centralized team to govern all data. This approach allows for more flexibility and agility in responding to changing business needs, while still maintaining consistent standards and policies. By empowering individual teams to take ownership of their own data, federated governance promotes accountability and transparency, leading to more effective use of organizational data.

Integration Obsolescence

Federated data management is a method of managing data that involves multiple autonomous databases, each with its own set of rules and schemas. The goal of federated data management is to provide users with a unified view of all the data in the system, regardless of where it resides. This approach allows organizations to combine data from disparate sources and make better-informed decisions based on a more complete picture of their operations. Federated data management can be challenging to implement, but it offers significant benefits for organizations that can overcome these challenges.

Integration Tax

When integrating different systems, it's common for organizations to create rigid data structures that demand excess resources and hinder innovation. These structures are often implemented to ensure data consistency across different applications, but they can also make it difficult to adapt to changing business requirements and have a negative impact on bottom lines.

Integration-Free Apps and Experiences

Integration-free apps and experiences are those which require no external integration with other systems or applications to function properly. They are self-contained and offer a seamless experience to users without the need for them to navigate between different platforms or services. This type of app or experience can be beneficial for both developers and users, as it simplifies the development process and reduces the potential for errors or compatibility issues. By eliminating the need for integration, these apps can also improve security by reducing the number of points of vulnerability in a system.

Intelligence is the Platform

Platform intelligence is the ability of a platform to use data and analytics to understand user behavior and preferences, and to use this information to improve the user experience. It involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as user interactions, feedback, and surveys, to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. This data can then be used to optimize the platform's design, content, and features to better meet user needs.

Last-Copy Integration

Last-Copy integration is the process of incorporating the final version of a document into a larger project or system. This can involve making sure all formatting and content is correct, as well as ensuring that the document fits seamlessly into the overall project. The goal of last copy integration is to create a cohesive and polished final product that meets all necessary requirements. It requires attention to detail, effective communication between team members, and an understanding of both the specific document being integrated and the larger project as a whole.


A data liberator can be a person or a software application designed to free data from the constraints of proprietary formats and systems. A data liberation platform allows users to extract data from various sources, transform it into a more usable format, and load it into another system or platform. By using a data liberator tool, individuals and organizations can break down data silos and gain greater control over their information assets. This can lead to improved analytics, better decision-making, and increased efficiency across the board. Whether you're dealing with big data or small, a data liberator tool can help you unlock the full potential of your information resources.

Meta Driven Experiences

Meta-driven experiences are a new approach to designing and delivering personalized experiences to users. By leveraging data and machine learning, Meta Driven experiences can adapt in real-time to user behavior, preferences, and context. This means that users can receive highly relevant content and recommendations tailored specifically to their needs, resulting in increased engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. With Meta Driven experiences, businesses can create truly unique and differentiated customer experiences that drive growth and competitive advantage.

Metadata Plasticity

Metadata plasticity refers to the ability of metadata to adapt and change over time, in response to new requirements or changes in the data it describes. This is a crucial aspect of any data management system, as metadata needs to be able to evolve alongside the data it represents. Without this flexibility, metadata can quickly become outdated or inaccurate, leading to errors and confusion down the line. By designing systems with metadata plasticity in mind, organizations can ensure that their data remains accurate and up-to-date, even as their needs and priorities shift over time.

Metadata-Driven Adaptive Data Browsers

Metadata-driven adaptive data browsers are designed to give users a personalized experience based on their preferences and behaviors. These platforms use metadata, which is data about data, to understand the user's needs and deliver content that is relevant to them. The platform can analyze the user's interactions with the system, such as what they click on or how long they spend on a page, and adjust the interface accordingly. This allows for a more efficient and intuitive user experience. Additionally, metadata-driven adaptive platforms can be used across various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, and entertainment.


The metaverse can be defined as a virtual universe or collective space where users can interact with each other and the environment in real-time. It is essentially a merging of the physical and digital worlds, creating an immersive experience that is not limited by time or space. The metaverse has been compared to science fiction concepts such as the Oasis from Ready Player One, but it is rapidly becoming a reality with advancements in technology such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain.

Next Gen Data Architecture

Next Gen Data Architecture is an advanced and modern approach to managing data that emphasizes the use of cutting-edge technologies to process, store, and analyze large volumes of data. It is designed to be more flexible, scalable, and efficient than traditional data architectures, allowing organizations to derive insights from their data faster and with greater accuracy. Next Gen Data Architecture typically involves the use of technologies such as cloud computing, big data platforms, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence tools to help organizations make sense of their data and gain a competitive advantage in today's data-driven business landscape.

Operational Applications

Operational Applications are software programs designed specifically to support day-to-day business operations, such as customer relationship management, supply chain management, and accounting. These applications are critical for businesses to operate effectively and efficiently. They often integrate with other systems within an organization, such as databases and other software applications.

Operational Data Fabric

An Operational Data Fabric is a modern data architecture that enables organizations to access, integrate, and process data from multiple sources in real-time. It provides a unified and consistent view of data across the organization by breaking down data silos and enabling seamless data sharing between different applications and systems. With an operational data fabric, businesses can make more informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information, streamline their operations, and improve overall efficiency.

Learn more about Operational Data Fabric

Operational Data Management

Operational data management refers to the process of collecting, storing, organizing, maintaining, and utilizing data within an organization. It involves managing large volumes of data generated by various sources such as customers, employees, suppliers, and systems. The primary objective of operational data management is to ensure that the right data is available to the right people at the right time and in the right format. Effective operational data management is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business environment.

Operational Reporting

Operational reporting is a critical aspect of any business, providing insight into the day-to-day operations and identifying areas for improvement. It involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as sales figures, customer feedback, and production metrics to create reports that provide an accurate picture of the company's performance. These reports can be used to make informed decisions about resource allocation, identify trends and patterns, and improve overall efficiency. Operational reporting provides a detailed view of how the organization functions on a daily basis and helps to identify areas where improvements can be made.

Persistence and Controls as a Service (PCaaS)

Persistence and Controls as a Service (PCaaS) is a cloud-based service that provides persistent storage for data along with controls for managing access to that data. PCaaS enables organizations to store their data securely in the cloud while maintaining control over who has access to it. The service typically includes features such as backup and recovery, encryption, access controls, and auditing.

Schema Plasticity

Schema plasticity is the brain's ability to modify or create new mental frameworks, known as schemas, in response to new information or experiences. These schemas help individuals make sense of the world around them by organizing knowledge and guiding behavior. They can be modified through a process called cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and replacing old beliefs with new ones. This plasticity is an essential aspect of human learning and adaptation, allowing individuals to adjust their behavior and thinking patterns in response to changing circumstances.

Self-Service Data

Self-service data is a process that allows users to access, manipulate and analyze data without requiring the help of IT or other technical experts. This approach empowers business users to make better decisions by giving them direct access to the data they need, when they need it. By reducing reliance on IT teams and increasing the speed of data analysis, self-service data can help businesses become more agile and responsive to changing market conditions. However, it's important to ensure that proper governance measures are put in place to maintain data accuracy and security.


The Chinchy twiniverse is a type of parallel universe where digital versions of people exist, compiled of only the information that the system is allowed to access. For instance, this might include public social media data, but won’t include private personal information. These digital twins can chat, but can only answer based on the information available to them.

Zero-Copy Integration Standard

The Zero-Copy Integration Standard is a method of integrating systems and applications that eliminates the need for copying data between them. Instead, it allows for direct access to data in its original location, reducing the risk of inconsistencies and errors that can arise from multiple copies of the same data. This standard is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Learn more about the Zero-Copy Integration Standard from Data Collaboration Alliance


Zero-copy integration is a technique used in computer programming that allows data to be moved between two software applications without the need for intermediate copying. This technique helps to reduce the amount of time and processing power required to move data between applications by allowing it to be directly accessed without being copied or duplicated. In zero-copy integration, data is shared through pointers or other memory management techniques, which can help to improve the overall performance of the system. This approach is particularly useful in high-performance computing environments where large amounts of data must be processed quickly and efficiently.

See data collaboration in action!

Connected data without the effort, time, and cost of traditional data integration.