Zero Copies. A technology standard that finally makes sense.

1 min read
May 8, 2023

In the fast-paced world of technology, standards can be seen as obstacles to innovation. 

However, a good technology standard can actually bring order to the chaos and allow products from different companies to work together, fostering healthy competition and enhancing productivity. That is precisely what Zero-Copy Integration does.

Zero-Copy Integration is a framework that eliminates the need for data copies and integration, making it easier to work with applications, analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Canada's Digital Governance Council recently announced that Zero-Copy Integration has been published for open access by the public, setting a new standard for data collaboration.

The traditional approach to data management involves silos, integrations, and duplication, leading to complexity, fragmentation, and high costs. Zero-Copy Integration changes all that by decoupling data from the applications that create and store it. This breakthrough framework enables shared data architecture, access-based data collaboration, and universal data protection.

Moreover, Zero-Copy Integration prioritizes data-centricity and active metadata over complex code and solution modularity over monolithic design. It also facilitates data governance through data products and federated stewardship, eliminating the need for centralized teams.

In addition to boosting the development and deployment of new technologies, Zero-Copy Integration also addresses the growing number of data privacy regulations. By putting data at the center of the process, Zero-Copy Integration ensures greater collaboration and control, positively affecting industries like healthcare, research, banking, and public services.

Here’s just a few of the additional benefits Zero-Copy Integration enables:

  • Data management via a shared data architecture
  • Data sharing via access-based data collaboration, essentially eliminating copy-based data integration
  • Data protection via universal access controls
  • Data governance via data products and federated stewardship

While it may seem like just another term in the world of data, the potential impact of Zero-Copy Integration is nothing short of revolutionary. This advance gives us an optimistic reality, ushering in a new standard for data collaboration, management, privacy, control, governance, and analytics.