A CTO's Focus on Data Management

1 min read
February 7, 2023

As technology leaders in the IT industry, it's important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to reducing costs and streamlining processes. To that end, CTOs and IT managers should be focusing on data management as a means of maximizing efficiency and controlling costs.

One of the most effective ways to trim costs is by adopting a data-centric approach, as opposed to the traditional app-centric approach. This can be achieved through the use of emerging technologies like dataware and data fabrics that connect data across the organization and eliminate silos, duplicates, and costly integrations.

With many enterprises using thousands of applications and resulting in numerous data silos and point-to-point integrations, this function alone can easily consume a large portion of the budget for transformation projects. Dataware unlocks data from app silos and connects it in a universal network, utilizing an operational data fabric to simplify application development, analytics, and governance projects.

Another practical tip is to prioritize projects and technologies that help de-silo operational data. This can be accomplished through the use of Zero-Copy Integration frameworks, which define a data-centric approach to digital solutions and eliminate data duplication.

With stricter data privacy and protection regulations on the rise, it's important for IT teams to address the root cause of data fragmentation. This can be achieved by prioritizing projects and technologies that de-silo and simplify operational data. This not only leads to cost reduction in digital transformation projects but also helps simplify data pipelines before they become a liability.

Finally, as data privacy and protection regulations become increasingly stringent, it's important for technology leaders to think about what data can be taken away rather than added. By focusing on simplifying data pipelines, IT teams can reduce the likelihood of privacy and compliance issues, as well as minimize legal liabilities.

By focusing on data management and embracing emerging technologies, IT leaders can streamline processes, control costs, and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing regulatory landscape.